Ex Machina is a 2014 science fiction psychological thriller written and directed by Alex Garland in his directorial debut, starring Domhnall Gleeson (Harry Potter, The Revenant), Alicia Vikander (The Danish Girl, Testament of Youth), and Oscar Isaac (Drive, Dune, Inside Llewyn Davis), it follows a programmer who is invited by his CEO to administer the Turing test to an intelligent humanoid robot.
The film premiered on 16 December 2014, and received widespread critical acclaim, with praise for its visual effects, screenplay, and performances.
At the 88th Academy Awards, the film won Best Visual Effects and Garland was nominated for Best Original Screenplay. It earned five nominations at the BAFTAS that year, including Best Actress in a Supporting Role and Best Original Screenplay. Ex_Machina was cited as among the best films of the 2010s.
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An event every week that begins at 10:00 am on Thursday, repeating until 10 July 2025
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