We are set up to provide Chippenham and the 18 surrounding villages with a pride event that will bring fun and vibrancy into the town centre and provide a chance to celebrate, support, educate and represent all members of the LGBTQIA+ community.
If you would like to attend Chippenham Pride then we ask that you register your attendance on our website.
We welcome any and all donations towards funding Pride so we can make sure we can put on Chippenham Pride every year!
A donation of £5 or more will automatically upgrade your wrist band to give you exclusive discounts at local businesses during the Pride event and free access to our Pride After Party!
We will have a wellbeing, information and safe space area at the event and are inviting local and national charities to come along with information and support for the LGBTQIA+ community across all areas of mental, physical and sexual health.
Keep up with the latest news on the Chippenham Pride social media: –
#chippenham #chippenhampride #localpride #pridewalk #prideevent #chippenhamwiltshire
An event every week that begins at 12:00 pm on Monday, repeating until 14 April 2025
An event every week that begins at 5:30 pm on Monday and Wednesday, repeating until 21 July 2025
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