Join us for the 10th Chippenham Scout Group Fundraising Walking Quiz. Pay £3 online for a quiz sheet emailed to you. Perfect for a February family adventure! Answer as many questions as you can and either email your answers back or hand the quiz sheet in at 10th Chippenham Scout Hut. Start at The Three […]
A-tishoo! A-tishoo! We all fall down! Most people know that Ring O’Roses is actually about the plague rather than just being a children’s song or game. But what’s hiding in the words of Jack and Jill? Or Goosey Goosey Gander? And how does it relate to Chippenham? Join Lucy Whitfield with your young family for […]
Love to draw? Come and make your mark on our very own COMMUNITY MURAL. Hosted by local artist Kirsty Jones, it’s time to pick up a pen and design your very own piece of tile art to add to the collection The mural is something for the local community to enjoy for years to come, […]
An hour and a half of circus skills suitable for everyone! Yep - all ages and abilities, bring the whole family. We can get you started with the basics or expand your repertoire of tricks and a few games might be thrown in as well. This is a ‘have ago’ session with a combination of […]
We’re calling on children, families, creatives and anyone who loves Lego to come and help us build a version of Chippenham marketplace as it was in 1886. Got a hankering to have a go at making the Yelde Hall? Always fancied trying to recreate the Angel Hotel or wanted to construct the Buttercross? Based in […]
You are in mission control, monitoring the re-entry of the space probe FringeFeb, which is returning from the edge of the solar system. Will the probe return safely? What will you find when you open it? Has it brought back alien life? Join space communicator and ESERO-uk Space Ambassador Paul Hill, and explore space. Get […]
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