Below you can read lots of information and useful links which have been provided by Wiltshire Council in their Community groups Covid-19 toolkit. The toolkit was created with the aim of assisting groups to return safely in the community.
Group leaders should work through each section of this toolkit, ensuring they are confident prior to and throughout operation. Toolkit queries should be directed to
1. Complete a Covid-19 secure Risk Assessment (RA)
- A Covid-19 secure RA must be completed prior to return. Guidance can be found by clicking here.
- The results of the risk assessment must be shared with volunteers and displayed on your website.
- The sections below will help inform your Covid-19 secure RA.
- Completed RA’s do not need to be returned to Wiltshire Council for sign off.
2. Continuously monitor public health (PH) COVID-19 information and guidance
- Guidance adjusts frequently, consider signing up to government updates here.
- General government guidance can be found here.
- Multi-purpose community facilities guidance can be found here.
- National and local Covid-19 statistics can be found here.
- Current R values can be found here.
- Wiltshire’s local outbreak management plan (LOMP) can be found on this page.
- Community and volunteer support can be accessed on this page.
3. Employ a booking and record keeping system
- Volunteers should book attendance in advance to ensure the venue can honor social distancing.
- To assist NHS Test and Trace keep a temporary record of those attending groups for 21 days.Information on how to do this can be found here.
4. Communicate key messages and instructions prior to arrival
- Make all members aware that if they are symptomatic, or a member of their household is symptomatic they must follow stay at home guidance which can be found here.
- Information about Covid-19 symptoms can be found here.
- If someone is symptomatic encourage them to get tested. Testing information can be found here.
- Prior to their arrival, communicate that strict adherence to social distancing of 2 metres or 1 metre with risk mitigation (where 2 metres is not viable) must be adhered to. Social distancing guidance listed in section 2a can be found here.
- Cascade guidance surrounding hand washing and hygiene prior to groups returning. Guidance about this can be found here.
- Include information about the use of face coverings where appropriate. Guidance on when to wear them and how to make them can be found here.
- Ensure members are clear about all procedures, and what is required upon arrival and exit where appropriate prior to their arrival.
5. Perform Virtual Health checks and have suspected/confirmed case action plan
- Consider virtual health checks prior to people attending via phone, text or email to establish whether they are symptomatic, and if anyone in their household/support bubble is symptomatic.
- If symptomatic, or living with anyone symptomatic or someone within their support bubble is symptomatic they must not attend the group, and must follow stay at home guidance found here.
- Identify prior to arrival whether group members are living with anyone extremely or clinical vulnerable. Additional precautions may be required to mitigate risk to these people, for example consider how will you reduce the transmission risk between group members, and between others they need to interact with i.e. avoidance of non-essential contact, social distancing rules, personal hygiene protocols, splitting groups into bubbles/pods. Shielding information can be found here.
- Consider using touchless thermometers for taking temperatures on arrival.
- Currently, people do not need to self-isolate unless they’re contacted by the NHS Test and Trace service. Information about the Test and Trace service can be found here.
6. Have clear handwashing and hygiene procedures
- Settings should develop clear cleaning, and hand hygiene procedures especially before and after activity takes place. Further guidance can be found here within section 2b.
- Consider displaying handwashing posters which can be found here.
- Consider providing hand sanitiser around venues, in addition to washrooms. Further guidance on which hand sanitiser to use can be found here.
7. Cleaning
- Create an enhanced cleaning schedule which incorporates frequent cleaning and disinfecting objects and surfaces that are touched regularly such as door handles and light switches.
- Consider enhanced cleaning of busy areas. Cleaning guidance can be found here.
- Set clear use and cleaning guidance for toilets and consider additional handwashing signage.
- Provide hand drying facilities – either paper towels or electrical dryers.
- If you are cleaning after a known or suspected case of Covid-19 then you should refer to specific guidance explained at the bottom of the information here.
8. Plan how you will maintain 2m social distancing where possible.
- Guidance on social distancing and capacity can be found in section 2a here.
- Consider signage to remind people of social distancing guidance.
- Avoid sharing equipment.
- Consider using floor tape or paint to mark areas to help people keep to a 2m distance.
- Arrange one-way traffic through venues if possible.
- Open doors and windows where appropriate to maintain good ventilation. Where 2m is not possible apart, you should do everything practical to manage transmission risk by:
- Considering whether an activity needs to continue. If so, keep activity time as short as possible.
- Using screens or barriers to separate people from each other.
- Using back-to-back or side-to-side working whenever possible.
- Staggering arrival and departure times.
- Reducing the number of people each person has contact with by using pods/bubbles.
- If you are ever required to be within 2m of someone, for example when delivering personal care, reference guidance on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) found here
9. Utilise best practice
There are examples of best practice from around the county of communities coming together to support one another through COVID 19. Consider contacting these groups for practical examples;
- Melksham Community COVID response hub.
- Devizes Covid-19 Support volunteers and Devizes Co.
- Pewsey Coronavirus Community Assistance.
10. Be scam vigilant
- Be vigilant and aware of scams relating to Covid-19. Further information can be found here.
11. Utilise Wiltshire community contacts