Calling all artists, illustrators and doodlers of Chippenham! A NEW drop in event for all you budding artists.
We’re launching a social evening packed full of creativity. Come along and get involved with a few drawing games, communal doodle piece, work on your sketchbook and collaborate with other artists. All art supplies provided, but feel free to bring your own.
A friendly safe space to meet other creatives and dedicate a couple of hours to having fun and getting some drawings done. No pressure, No judgement, all levels and abilities welcome. Come and be inspired, informally. Bring your favourite drink, meet other local artists and start a new creative community with us.
This is the launch night but we hope to run this once a month if there’s enough interest. We might even create new groups or more events once we’ve got together to chat and draw.
This event is part of a three-day arts festival happening around Chippenham from the 23rd-25th February. Find out more about Chippenham Fringe Feb 2024 and the other creative and vibrant Fringe performances and activities taking place by visiting our website here.
Chippenham Fringe Feb is produced and delivered by Melt Productions in collaboration with Chippenham Borough Lands Charity (CBLC) and the Chippenham Chat group. Funding for the event is provided by Chippenham Borough Lands Charity.
#FringeFeb24 #FringeFeb #ChippEvents
An event every week that begins at 8:00 pm on Thursday, repeating until 17 April 2025
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